8/16/1960, SA60-OKC60, KC Municipal Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1960 Armadillos        0  0  1  0  0  2  1  0  0  1  0  0
1960 49ers             0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  1  1  0  0
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1960 Armadillos        0  5    10 13  0    14  1
1960 49ers             0  0     5 11  0    11  0
Armadillos           AB  R  H BI   AVG    49ers                AB  R  H BI   AVG
Taylor            2b  4  1  0  0  .299    Geiger            rf  6  0  1  0  .291
 Bell             ph  1  0  0  0  .254    Bruton            cf  7  0  1  0  .281
 Bruce            p   1  0  1  0  .381    McCovey           1b  7  2  2  2  .202
Hoak              3b  6  2  1  1  .302    Banks             ss  6  0  1  0  .252
Gentile           1b  6  1  1  0  .265    Francona          lf  5  1  1  0  .319
Maris             rf  5  2  1  1  .275    Spencer           2b  4  1  3  2  .266
Siebern           lf  4  1  2  1  .331    Williams          3b  4  0  1  0  .285
Hansen            ss  7  1  1  0  .276     Alou,F           pr  0  1  0  0  .301
Tuttle            cf  3  0  1  0  .251     Santo            3b  1  0  0  0  .276
 Nieman           ph  1  0  1  1  .277    Dalrymple         c   2  0  0  0  .260
 Busby            cf  0  0  0  0  .226     Smith            ph  1  0  0  0  .218
 Moryn            ph  1  0  0  0  .071     Marshall         ph  0  0  0  0  .159
 Heist            cf  0  1  0  0  .000     Wilson           c   1  0  0  0  .000
Howard            c   4  0  2  2  .237    Daley,B           p   1  0  0  0  .170
 O'Dell           p   0  0  0  0  .196     Roach            ph  1  0  0  0  .322
 Henry            p   1  0  0  0  .000     Klippstein       p   0  0  0  0  .300
 Miller           p   0  0  0  0  .429     Maye             ph  1  0  1  1  .375
 Mincher          ph  1  0  0  0  .000     Schafernth       p   0  0  0  0  .222
 Dark             2b  1  1  1  4  .307     Pearson          ph  1  0  0  0  .261
Estrada           p   3  0  0  0  .245     Fornieles        p   0  0  0  0  .200
 Burgess          c   3  0  1  0  .308     Stephens         ph  1  0  0  0  .000
                     52 10 13 10           Turley           p   0  0  0  0  .068
                                                               49  5 11  5
Armadillos                       INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Estrada                          7.0  5  3  3  4  3 107  64  3.92
O'Dell           H 2             1.0  0  0  0  0  1  10   6  4.34
Henry            BS 7            2.0  3  2  2  0  0  29  17  5.40
Miller                           2.0  1  0  0  2  1  40  18  4.59
Bruce            W 7-3           2.0  2  0  0  0  1  33  21  4.76
                                14.0 11  5  5  6  6 219 126 
49ers                            INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Daley,B                          7.0  8  4  4  4  5 125  67  4.79
Klippstein                       2.0  1  0  0  0  1  20  12  5.30
Schafernth                       2.0  1  1  1  1  3  36  23  2.70
Fornieles                        2.0  0  0  0  2  0  33  15  4.06
Turley           L 6-11          1.0  3  5  5  5  1  48  18  5.15
                                14.0 13 10 10 12 10 262 135 
SA : Burgess inserted at c in the 8th
     Nieman batted for Tuttle in the 10th
     Busby inserted at cf in the 10th
     Moryn batted for Busby in the 12th
     Heist inserted at cf in the 12th
     Mincher batted for Miller in the 13th
     Bell batted for Taylor in the 13th
     Dark inserted at 2b in the 13th
OKC: Roach batted for Daley,B in the 7th
     Smith batted for Dalrymple in the 9th
     Alou,F ran for Williams in the 9th
     Maye batted for Klippstein in the 9th
     Santo inserted at 3b in the 10th
     Smith moved to c in the 10th
     Marshall batted for Smith in the 11th
     Pearson batted for Schafernth in the 11th
     Wilson inserted at c in the 12th
     Stephens batted for Fornieles in the 13th
2B-Maris, Siebern. HR-Hoak(25), Dark(2), McCovey 2(15), Spencer(13). 
SB-Taylor(19), Maris(2), Alou,F(8). CS-Spencer. K-Hoak, Gentile, Maris, 
Siebern 2, Hansen 2, Howard, Estrada, Henry, Geiger, Bruton, Banks, 
Williams 2, Wilson. BB-Taylor, Hoak 2, Gentile 2, Maris 2, Siebern 2, Tuttle, 
Burgess, Heist, Geiger, Francona, Spencer 2, Dalrymple, Marshall. SH-Taylor, 
Daley,B, Santo. SF-Siebern. HBP-Banks. PB-Wilson. HB-Miller. 
GWRBI: Siebern
Temperature: 78, Field: wet, Sky: threatening, Wind: right to left at 7 MPH, 
Rain Delays: 35 and 42 minutes.
8/16/1960, SA60-OKC60, KC Municipal Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1960 Armadillos        0  0  1  0  0  2  1  0  0  1  0  0
1960 49ers             0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  1  1  0  0
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1960 Armadillos        0  5    10 13  0    14  1
1960 49ers             0  0     5 11  0    11  0
Armadillos           -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Taylor            2b 1>63           9          5>13/b       7>W            14/SH.1-2 
 Bell             ph                                                                 
 Bruce            p                                                                  
Hoak              3b   7          3>HR           31           SB2          8         
Gentile           1b   W            9            63           k            43        
Maris             rf   8            k          6>53           D.2-H      0>Schafernth
Siebern           lf 2>S            D            W            k            k         
Hansen            ss   8            43           S.1-2      8>Klippstein   SB2       
                                                              8            k         
Tuttle            cf   W.1-2      4>8            S.2-3;1-2    43                     
 Nieman           ph                                                       S.2-H     
 Busby            cf                                                                 
 Moryn            ph                                                                 
 Heist            cf                                                                 
Howard            c    S.2-3;1-2    9            note 1       k                      
 O'Dell           p                                                                  
 Henry            p                                                        k         
 Miller           p                                                                  
 Mincher          ph                                                                 
 Dark             2b                                                                 
Estrada           p    k            5/fl         4                                   
 Burgess          c                                         9>S          1>8         
 1: S.3-H;2-H;1x3(75) 
49ers                -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Geiger            rf 1>53           k            53           S            8         
Bruton            cf   8            7          6>4            43         0>9         
McCovey           1b   8          4>9            HR         8>O'Dell       HR        
Banks             ss 2>53           S            43           k            3         
Francona          lf   W            note 1       S            9            3/fl      
Spencer           2b   W.1-2      5>W            HR.1-H     9>Henry      1>Miller    
                                                              53           S         
Williams          3b   k            k            3            S                      
 Alou,F           pr                                                                 
 Santo            3b                                                       14/SH.1-2 
Dalrymple         c    5            W.1-2      7>8                                   
 Smith            ph                                          SB2                    
 Marshall         ph                                                       IW        
 Wilson           c                                                                  
Daley,B           p  3>53           note 2                                           
 Roach            ph                             53                                  
 Klippstein       p                                                                  
 Maye             ph                                          S.2-H;B-2              
 Schafernth       p                                                                  
 Pearson          ph                                                       note 3    
 Fornieles        p                                                                  
 Stephens         ph                                                                 
 Turley           p                                                                  
 1: 9/ldp.1x1(93)  2: 13/SH.2-3;1-2  3: CS3(25).1-2 
Armadillos           -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Taylor            2b   9                                                             
 Bell             ph                53                                               
 Bruce            p                              S.1-2                               
Hoak              3b   63         4>Turley       W.2-3;1-2                           
Gentile           1b 2>Fornieles    S.1-2        64/f                                
Maris             rf   54/f.B-1     W.2-3;1-2                                        
Siebern           lf   W.1-2        note 1                                           
Hansen            ss   pb.2-3;1-2   k                                                
                       note 2                                                        
Tuttle            cf                                                                 
 Nieman           ph                                                                 
 Busby            cf                                                                 
 Moryn            ph   3/L                                                           
 Heist            cf                W.1-2                                            
Howard            c                                                                  
 O'Dell           p                                                                  
 Henry            p                                                                  
 Miller           p                                                                  
 Mincher          ph 3>9                                                             
 Dark             2b                note 3                                           
Estrada           p                                                                  
 Burgess          c    53           W                                                
 1: 8/SF.3-H;2-3  2: 42.3xH;2-3;B-1  3: HR.3-H;2-H;1-H 
49ers                -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Geiger            rf 2>W          4>8                                                
Bruton            cf   k            S                                                
McCovey           1b   43.1-2       54/f.B-1                                         
Banks             ss   HBP          54/f                                             
Francona          lf   43                                                            
Spencer           2b 3>Bruce                                                         
Williams          3b                                                                 
 Alou,F           pr                                                                 
 Santo            3b   43.1-2                                                        
Dalrymple         c                                                                  
 Smith            ph                                                                 
 Marshall         ph                                                                 
 Wilson           c    k                                                             
Daley,B           p                                                                  
 Roach            ph                                                                 
 Klippstein       p                                                                  
 Maye             ph                                                                 
 Schafernth       p                                                                  
 Pearson          ph                                                                 
 Fornieles        p                                                                  
 Stephens         ph   43                                                            
 Turley           p                                                                  
Armadillos       IN OUT ER                  49ers            IN OUT ER                  
Estrada          A1  D2  3                  Daley,B          A1  D5  4                  
O'Dell           D3  D5  0 H 2              Klippstein       D6  E3  0                  
Henry            D6  E5  2 BS 7             Schafernth       E4  F2  1                  
Miller           E6  F5  0                  Fornieles        F3  G1  0                  
Bruce            F6  G4  0 W 7-3            Turley           G2  H3  5 L 6-11           
8/16/1960, SA60-OKC60, KC Municipal Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1960 Armadillos        0  0  1  0  0  2  1  0  0  1  0  0
1960 49ers             0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  1  1  0  0
                      13 14     R  H  E   LOB DP
1960 Armadillos        0  5    10 13  0    14  1
1960 49ers             0  0     5 11  0    11  0
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Armadillos batting
 0-0  0 --- 11  Taylor grounded out to short (CBX)
 0-0  1 --- 20  Hoak flied out to left (BBX)
 0-0  2 --- 30  Gentile walked (BBBB)
 0-0  2 1-- 00  Maris flied out to center (X)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, 49ers batting
 0-0  0 --- 11  Geiger grounded out to third (BFX)
 0-0  1 --- 12  Bruton flied out to center (SSFBX)
 0-0  2 --- 10  McCovey flied out to center (BX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Armadillos batting
 0-0  0 --- 10  Siebern lined a single between first and second (BX)
 0-0  0 1-- 22  Hansen flied out to center (BCCBX)
 0-0  1 1-- 32  Tuttle walked, Siebern to second (B1BFSBB)
 0-0  1 12- 00  Howard lined a single between first and second, Siebern 
                  to third, Tuttle to second (X)
 0-0  1 123 12  Estrada struck out (CBSS)
 0-0  2 123 10  Taylor lined out to right (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, 49ers batting
 0-0  0 --- 21  Banks grounded out to third (BBCX)
 0-0  1 --- 32  Francona walked (BBBCFB)
 0-0  1 1-- 32  Spencer walked, Francona to second (SBF1B1B1B)
 0-0  1 12- 12  Williams struck out (BCSS)
 0-0  2 12- 32  Dalrymple popped out to third (FCBBFB>X)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Armadillos batting
 0-0  0 --- 32  Hoak homered deep to left (CBBSFBX)
 1-0  0 --- 02  Gentile flied out to right (CFX)
 1-0  1 --- 22  Maris struck out (BFBFC)
 1-0  2 --- 20  Siebern lined a double to right center (BBX)
 1-0  2 -2- 32  Hansen grounded out to second (CBFBBX)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, 49ers batting
 1-0  0 --- 02  Daley,B grounded out to third (CCX)
 1-0  1 --- 12  Geiger struck out (CFBFS)
 1-0  2 --- 02  Bruton lined out to left (CSX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Armadillos batting
 1-0  0 --- 10  Tuttle flied out to center (BX)
 1-0  1 --- 32  Howard lined out to right (BSFFBBX)
 1-0  2 --- 10  Estrada popped out to third (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, 49ers batting
 1-0  0 --- 01  McCovey flied out to right (SX)
 1-0  1 --- 01  Banks grounded a single between third and short (SX)
                Started raining
 1-0  1 1-- 32  Francona lined into a double play, Maris to Gentile, 
                  Banks out at first (BCBFB>X)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Armadillos batting
 1-0  0 --- 00  Taylor bunted into an out to the mound (Xb)
                Game delayed by rain for 35 minutes
 1-0  1 --- 11  Hoak grounded out to first (CBX)
 1-0  2 --- 10  Gentile grounded out to short (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, 49ers batting
 1-0  0 --- 31  Spencer walked (BBBCB)
                Started raining
 1-0  0 1-- 32  Williams struck out (CFBBBC)
 1-0  1 1-- 31  Dalrymple walked, Spencer to second (BBBCB)
 1-0  1 12- 01  Daley,B sacrifice bunted to the mound, Spencer to third, 
                  Dalrymple to second (CXb)
                Stopped raining
 1-0  2 -23 31  Geiger grounded out to third (BBBSX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Armadillos batting
 1-0  0 --- 22  Maris grounded out to third (CCBBFX)
 1-0  1 --- 32  Siebern walked (BFFBBB)
 1-0  1 1-- 10  Hansen lined a single to right, Siebern to second (BX)
 1-0  1 12- 11  Tuttle grounded a single between first and second, 
                  Siebern to third, Hansen to second (CBX)
 1-0  1 123 32  Howard lined a single between third and short, Siebern 
                  scored, Hansen scored, Tuttle out at third (BBBCSX)
                Started raining
 3-0  2 1-- 00  Estrada popped out to second (X)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, 49ers batting
 3-0  0 --- 21  Bruton popped out to second (BBCX)
 3-0  1 --- 00  McCovey homered deep to right (X)
 3-1  1 --- 01  Banks grounded out to second (FX)
 3-1  2 --- 00  Francona lined a single to center (X)
 3-1  2 1-- 00  Spencer homered deep down the left-field line, Francona 
                  scored (X)
                Game delayed by rain for 42 minutes
 3-3  2 --- 10  Williams popped out to first (BX)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Armadillos batting
 3-3  0 --- 32  Taylor walked (CBBFBB)
 3-3  0 1-- 00  Taylor stole second (11>B)
 3-3  0 -2- 22  Hoak struck out (11>B.FBFS)
 3-3  1 -2- 32  Gentile struck out (BBBCCFFS)
 3-3  2 -2- 21  Maris doubled deep to right, Taylor scored (BFBX)
 4-3  2 -2- 32  Siebern struck out (BFCBBS)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, 49ers batting
 4-3  0 --- 01  Dalrymple flied out to center (SX)
                Roach pinch hitting for Daley,B
 4-3  1 --- 21  Roach grounded out to third (BCBX)
 4-3  2 --- 10  Geiger lined a single to right center (BX)
 4-3  2 1-- 22  Bruton grounded out to second (FBBFFFX)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Armadillos batting
                Klippstein now pitching
 4-3  0 --- 21  Hansen lined out to center (CBBX)
 4-3  1 --- 00  Tuttle grounded out to second (X)
                Started raining
 4-3  2 --- 12  Howard struck out (FSBS)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, 49ers batting
                Burgess now playing catcher
                O'Dell now pitching
 4-3  0 --- 20  McCovey grounded out to first (BBX)
 4-3  1 --- 02  Banks struck out (SSC)
 4-3  2 --- 21  Francona popped out to right (BBSX)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Armadillos batting
 4-3  0 --- 11  Burgess grounded a single between third and short (BCX)
 4-3  0 1-- 00  Taylor sacrifice bunted to the mound, Burgess to second 
 4-3  1 -2- 10  Hoak flied out to center (BX)
 4-3  2 -2- 31  Gentile grounded out to second (BSBBX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, 49ers batting
                Henry now pitching
 4-3  0 --- 20  Spencer grounded out to third (BBX)
 4-3  1 --- 12  Williams lined a single between first and second (CBCFX)
                Smith pinch hitting for Dalrymple
                Alou,F pinch running for Williams
 4-3  1 1-- 01  Alou,F stole second (C>C)
 4-3  1 -2- 22  Smith popped out to left (C>C.BFBX)
                Maye pinch hitting for Klippstein
 4-3  2 -2- 11  Maye grounded a single between first and second, Alou,F 
                  scored, Maye to second (2BCX)
 4-4  2 -2- 31  Geiger flied out to center (2CBBBX)
**************  Top of the 10th inning, Armadillos batting
                Santo now playing third base
                Schafernth now pitching
                Smith moved to catcher
 4-4  0 --- 32  Maris walked (CBBBFB)
 4-4  0 1-- 32  Siebern struck out (BFCFBFBFS)
 4-4  1 1-- 00  Maris stole second (>S)
 4-4  1 -2- 02  Hansen struck out (>S.SS)
                Nieman pinch hitting for Tuttle
 4-4  2 -2- 11  Nieman lined a single down the right field line, Maris 
                  scored (BCX)
 5-4  2 1-- 22  Henry struck out (SSBBFS)
**************  Bottom of the 10th inning, 49ers batting
                Busby now playing center field
 5-4  0 --- 00  Bruton flied out to right (X)
 5-4  1 --- 00  McCovey homered deep down the right field line (X)
 5-5  1 --- 10  Banks popped out to first (BX)
 5-5  2 --- 20  Francona popped out to first (BBX)
**************  Top of the 11th inning, Armadillos batting
 5-5  0 --- 22  Burgess flied out to center (BCBFX)
 5-5  1 --- 11  Taylor flied out to right (CBX)
 5-5  2 --- 00  Hoak grounded out to short (X)
**************  Bottom of the 11th inning, 49ers batting
                Miller now pitching
 5-5  0 --- 21  Spencer lined a single to shallow center (CBBX)
 5-5  0 1-- 00  Santo sacrifice bunted to the mound, Spencer to second 
                Marshall pinch hitting for Smith
 5-5  1 -2- 30  Marshall was walked intentionally (IIII)
                Pearson pinch hitting for Schafernth
 5-5  1 12- 00  Spencer was caught stealing third, Marshall to second (>S)
 5-5  2 -2- 22  Pearson grounded out to short (>S.FBBX)
**************  Top of the 12th inning, Armadillos batting
                Wilson now playing catcher
                Fornieles now pitching
 5-5  0 --- 30  Gentile walked (BBBB)
 5-5  0 1-- 20  Maris grounded to third, forcing Gentile at second, Maris 
                  to first (BBX)
 5-5  1 1-- 32  Siebern walked, Maris to second (BBCBCB)
 5-5  1 12- 10  Wilson allowed a passed ball, Maris to third, Siebern to 
                  second (BB)
 5-5  1 -23 22  Hansen grounded to second, Maris out at home, Siebern to 
                  third, Hansen to first (BB.FCX)
                Moryn pinch hitting for Busby
 5-5  2 1-3 32  Moryn lined out to first (CBCBB>X)
**************  Bottom of the 12th inning, 49ers batting
                Heist now playing center field
 5-5  0 --- 30  Geiger walked (BBBB)
 5-5  0 1-- 32  Bruton struck out (FBFBFFBS)
 5-5  1 1-- 11  McCovey grounded out to second, Geiger to second (CBX)
 5-5  2 -2- 21  Banks was hit by a pitch (BBFH)
 5-5  2 12- 32  Francona grounded out to second (CSBBB>F>X)
**************  Top of the 13th inning, Armadillos batting
                Mincher pinch hitting for Miller
 5-5  0 --- 21  Mincher flied out to right (BSBX)
 5-5  1 --- 00  Burgess grounded out to third (X)
                Bell pinch hitting for Taylor
 5-5  2 --- 12  Bell grounded out to third (FBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 13th inning, 49ers batting
                Dark now playing second base
                Bruce now pitching
 5-5  0 --- 31  Spencer grounded a single between first and second (CBBBX)
 5-5  0 1-- 00  Santo grounded out to second, Spencer to second (X)
 5-5  1 -2- 22  Wilson struck out (SBFBS)
                Stephens pinch hitting for Fornieles
 5-5  2 -2- 22  Stephens grounded out to second (FBFBX)
**************  Top of the 14th inning, Armadillos batting
                Turley now pitching
 5-5  0 --- 32  Hoak walked (BCBBFB)
 5-5  0 1-- 20  Gentile lined a single to shallow right, Hoak to second 
 5-5  0 12- 32  Maris walked, Hoak to third, Gentile to second (FbBBBFB)
 5-5  0 123 31  Siebern hit a sacrifice fly to center, Hoak scored, 
                  Gentile to third (FBBBX)
 6-5  1 1-3 22  Hansen struck out (FBFBC)
 6-5  2 1-3 32  Heist walked, Maris to second (CBBBF>B)
 6-5  2 123 10  Dark homered deep down the left-field line, Gentile 
                  scored, Maris scored, Heist scored (BX)
10-5  2 --- 30  Burgess walked (BBBB)
10-5  2 1-- 21  Bruce grounded a single up the middle, Burgess to second 
10-5  2 12- 31  Hoak walked, Burgess to third, Bruce to second (BFBBB)
10-5  2 123 01  Gentile grounded to short, forcing Hoak at second (FX)
**************  Bottom of the 14th inning, 49ers batting
10-5  0 --- 12  Geiger flied out to center (BCCX)
10-5  1 --- 10  Bruton reached on an infield single to second (BX)
10-5  1 1-- 32  McCovey grounded to third, forcing Bruton at second, 
                  McCovey to first (SBFFBFBFFX)
10-5  2 1-- 00  Banks grounded to third, forcing McCovey at second (X)